Monday, October 26, 2009

Gravity is a Force of Repulsion

Dear Cosmological Ladies and Gentlemen,

 As the bearer of the line, to whom I graciously as you to listen, will explain to you in more detail, how because of the “wrong” galaxy spin rates and expansion rate of the universe, I have hit upon a desperate remedy to spare having to find what in reality may not be there and clarify our understanding of the universe, namely, the possibility that the force of gravity is a force of repulsion and not a force of attraction. It makes sense to the humble soul and is in line with the laws of conservation of energy, that to introduce something be it matter or energy (and the warping of space associated with it) where there previously existed nothing takes energy rather than gains energy. Or in effect empty or near empty space exerts a negative force against anything that intrudes upon it. 

 Consider the following thought, a spinning universe is not pulled together rather it is pushed together by the “empty space” around it. I've dubbed this force the weight of the universe since it is dependent on the warping of space caused by all the mass with in reach. Consider the following thought experiment, say we were able to build a space ship and traveled to the edge of the universe. As we traveled beyond the edge of the universe all the mass of the universe would fall behind us and we would have the total gravitational pull (or push against us) caused by the universe. Every point throughout the universe has to some extent or the other the total weight of the universe acting upon it only that since we are inside the universe there is much balancing taking place. 

 Once the force of gravity is turned upside down and we better understand the way it works it will have dramatic effects on the apparent need for dark matter and dark energy. 

 I agree that my solution could seem incredible because it fly’s in the face of Newton and Einstein but only the one who dare can win the difficult situation facing cosmology.

 We owe it to ourselves for the advancement of science and to those funding research in this field the effort to discuss every solution to this issue. Dear Cosmological people, look and judge. With my best regards to you, and my apologies to Wolfgang Pauli.

 Your humble servant,

Ted Noonchester