Friday, July 31, 2009

Time part 2

Time is the ability for things (matter and energy) to move, it is all the forms of energy that make things move, it is gravity, momentum, heat, radiation (light, radiation), mechanical energy (coiled springs and the like), chemical energy…think about it. If all these energies were to stop time would stop, many scientists have stated that there is no reason that time cannot go “backwards” and this is true all the forces of energy moving everything in the present “future” direction could be turned around and have them go back, but really is it realistic to stop the earth and make it turn the other way round? or the sun? the planets? or the stars?  

To really make time go backward it would literally take all the energy in the universe.

We perceive the “flow” of time as we experience the movement of all the “things” (matter and energy) around us. I see ourselves as stationary in a flowing river or a wind storm, people, events and things drift by us for a while only to perhaps leave and perhaps come back again. We are stationary in the present, we meet each other in the present, we experience events in the present. We’ve learned from past events how to predict the future (using the laws of physics that matter and energy must abide by) at least well enough to get along in our world. Of course there is no predicting some things…like the action and reaction of people. 

So a picture of time might look something like Dorothy’s house in the wizard of Oz when it was picked up by the cyclone and carried to the land of Oz. But we are not in a house and alone seeing people, places, things and events coming and going around us as we fly through life.  

Time for us stops if we die, all the futures…events and interactions we could have experienced would come to an end. Our experience in the physical world would be over and only our experience outside of the physical world, some might call spiritual world would remain.